Preparation of Anorthite from Local Raw Iraqi Materials

Muamar Abdu Alaziz Kamel
Dr. Fadhil A. Rasin

  The study concern with using local Kaolin of Duekhla to prepare Anorthite material. The sequence of study started with washing, chemical treatment and sedimentation to produce a fine powder by passing the product through a special sieve (less than 20 µm).then after this step dividing the fine powder product into two groups, the first group with out heat treatment and the second with heat treatment (calcinations) at 400 oC. Then the second required material is calcium carbonate, so it is sieved through mesh size (less than 20 µm).the next step was mixed these groups of Kaolin separately with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in percentage of (kaolin : CaCO) as; (70% :30%, 75% :25%, 80% :20%, 85% :15%) respectively. The process of mixing is done by wet grinding with Ethanol technique; follow that drying and firing at 1200 3C for 1hr, 2hrs and 3hrs and 1300 o C for 1hr. The results are XRD and IR for fired sample shows that the groups prepared from (80%:20% and 85%:15%) and treated at 1200 o C for 3hrs gives the excellent results as Anorthite material (CaAl2 Si 2 O ). The chemical analyses study for acceptable Anorthite product was in coincidence with that defined by Ternary phase diagram. Additional 8 o study was done is dielectric properties give the same results. The conclusion behind this study is the Anorthite can be prepared from Kaolin Duekhla under specified treatment with calcium carbonate at certain mixing and firing condition.