design and implementation of network security system using steganography and VPN

Kusay Jabbar Mohammed Al-Mousawii
Dr. Siddeeq Y. Ameen

Systems of links and routers, and the controls that govern their operation, that for data transfer and exchange among multiple users known as Telecommunication Network. When several users of telecommunication media wish to communicate with one another, they must be organized into some form of network. In theory each user can be given a direct point-to-point link to all the other users in what is known as fully connected topology (private connection), but in practice this technique is impractical and expensive especially if the number of the users is high or the users are located far apart. Furthermore, the method is inefficient, since most of the links will be idle at any given time. But it has an important feature which is privacy. In order to eliminate these impractical features to reach an optimum solution, Virtual Private Network (VPN) presented. VPN provide users that are far away from each others who wants private connection to be connected through the most popular and widely used network in the world which is INTERET or any other wide area network available. Adding some hiding techniques “Steganography” on these virtual networks will make the user more confident about the privacy. Using the Blowfish algorithm enhances the speed of the processing to the encrypted data because the Blowfish is a fast algorithm and powerful tool at the same time.