MAP projection for GPS-based vehicle mionitoring system

Zaid Hasan Ali Nasralla
Dr. Fawzi M. Al-Naima

Traditionally, tracking systems have been very large, expensive and used only in aviation or military applications. However, recent advances in satellite-based positioning have made possible tracking systems that are small and inexpensive enough to be used in consumer products. Commercial consumer-grade tracking systems are, in fact, readily found today in Japan, Europe and the United States, with one of the largest potential markets being in vehicle tracking. Although the concept of vehicle tracking systems is not new, implementations of such systems are relatively recent. In this project the used tools are GPS and GIS. The GPS is used to find the position of the vehicle and the GPS output format is the NMEA-0183. And then the information is sent to the monitoring station. The software on the monitoring station was implemented using Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0. The monitoring station processes the packet and extracts the required fields (vehicle’s number, date, time, longitude and latitude) and then stores it in a database file. The monitoring station then could display the route of any vehicle within time and date limits. The used map projection is the Universe Transverse Meractor (UTM) with earth coordinates WGS-84. The positions are converted from longitude/latitude to easting/northing. To project the route on the map image, two equations were used to convert the easting/ northing to pixels. After finishing the software it was tested y taking a route and projecting it on the map image and a small deviation was obtained.