The University Day is Science ,honour and Glory

Al-Nahrain Branch:Al-Nahrain   Media 

Under sponsorship of  the President of Al-Nahrain University ,Prof  Dr.Nabeel Kadim Abid Al-Sahib ,the University  holds its yearly  celebration on the occasion of the University Day by the attendance of the President of the University , assistant of President of the University  of the scientific affairs ,Prof.Dr.Abad Al-Jabar  Khalafah and Assistant of the President of the University of the administrative affairs,  Asst.Prof.Dr.Jumah Salman Jead and Deans of the all colleges . 

Al-Nahrain award  comprises the recognizable  instructors in the scientific ,engineering , the scientific and human specializations, the best published researches ,and the best Ph.D thesis and Master dissertation , the best scientific  journals  issued by the University  and honouring those who have the Emeritus Prof.title and full prof , those who have got patent and those who have been retired.   

 The celebration  includes  The celebration implies the words of the president of the university  starting with thank of the instructors who have presented their scientific researches and progressed scientifically  ,their participation in all fields interesting in the university performance and quality explaining his happiness for all that and the words presented by the  president of the University participants  in the patent  stores, the recognizable  instructors ,  those who have got the full prof.title, the best scientific journal and the best  master dissertation and Ph.D thesis.

The assistant of the president of the university ,Prof.Dr.Abad al-Jabar  Nummah Khalafah  presents the principles of the winners by introducing the words of the winning instructors ,Prof.Dr.Wiseem Fathe Muhammad,   the president  of the internal medicine, the winning student  Yusif Khalf Yusif  , those who have the full prof.tite ,Prof.dr.Nagem Hussein Nummah ,the retired instructor, Prof.Dr.Kalood Waheeb Abood ,the Emeritus  Prof. Dr.Ghazy Fasel Mahdy and the words  of those who have don patent  represented by the director of the biotechnical researches, ,Prof.Dr.Saad Salah al-Dijaleh and finally a lecture is presented by the director of the Quality Guarantee and the University performance,  Prof.Dr.Abd Hussein Abudalah.

 At the end , the awards are given to the winners  for all the participated colleges  ,then the Life Box Opera is heard.

After that ,the President of the University  along with their  assistants  wander to open  the scientific central publications  of  colleges formulations and the books exposure, the handing  drawing ,the photographic images  and the engineering scientific models which embody the extracurricular  activities of the university students.

Translated  By

Asst.Prof.Aula Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad Salah