Implementation of simplified named pipe technique using windows 2000

Raoof Samim Abdul-Aziz
Dr. Imad H. Al-Hussaini

Abstract : Regardless of the purpose that any distributed application serves, there is one requirement it will almost definitely have: efficient data transfer. So there are many several techniques available for data transfer and required a full study to know its advantages and disadvantages depending on the features that effect the efficiency of transferring data between the processes that it locate in the same machine or in a remote machine. Windows 2000 provides several interprocess communications that allow transferring data more efficiently in the distributed system, like Socket, Remote Procedure Call, Mailslot and Named pipe techniques. In this project a study of these different techniques has been done and an efficient one (Named Pipe) will be chosen for distributed system. So, the implementing of the simplest operation mode for Named pipe technique was done to achieve very convenient and powerful technique for transferring data over a distributed system. Named pipes is a part of the Microsoft Win32 Application Programming Interface (API) definition and can, therefore, be employed by any Win32 application without additional dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), import libraries, or header files to link with. The only restriction is that an extra machine must run as a network server to create server ends of Named pipes. Then, Named pipe technique was compared with another popular data transfer technique which is sockets technique in order to show the major differences between those two techniques and the main advantages of the used technique.