Inforamtion & Communication Engineering

Improvement of Network Lifetime of WSN Using Controlled Mobility Algorithms

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), many sensor nodes which have limited energy sense the environment and relay their packets to the sink node by multi-hop routing. Thus, the nodes closest to the sink consume more energy than the other nodes and this ends up their lifetime early, which affect the overall network lifetime. Among several techniques of improving the performance of a WSN, the controlled mobility technique is commonly used for some of the network nodes and considered as one of the most important.


Deployment of a Hospital Management Information System over a Private Cloud

This thesis presents the design and implementation of a private cloud computing system using a combination of two HP servers with specifications of Intel Xeon 8 core processor, 16GB RAM, 500 GB Hard Disk and two NICs as a physical resources and VMware ESXi as a virtualization software. Most of Iraqi hospitals do not offer e-services and there is a need to digitalize the request, report, store, and retrieve the medical data in these hospitals as well as provides other e-services such as e-mail and VoIP services.
