Effects of Titania (Anatase) on Structural & Superficial Properties of (VPO) Catalytic System

      This work is a continuous of our previous work in M.Sc study. Our previous work was concerned with the use of locally produced V2O5 (technical grade) in the preparation of catalyst successfully employed in the oxidation of n-butane to Malice Anhydride. The catalyst was evaluated using geomechanic system (France) specially built for catalytic test and modified to our proposes. The results had indicated to a functional catalyst.


Development of a content-based image retrieval system

In this thesis, a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system is presented that supports querying with respect to color and texture low-level features. The fundamental idea is to generate automatically image descriptors by analyzing the image content. The focus will be on computing global similarity between images. Query is made upon images of homogeneous color/texture that do not require segmentation.
