التنافس الأقتصادي بين الاتحاد الاوربي والصين وانعكاساتة العالمية للمدة 1990-2010

زينة عبدالكريم ابراهيم النجار
الدكتورة رفاه الحمداني

The major concept competition that appeared in different economical and political fields according of human progressing and the development the human needs to be the country necessity and their politics. The interesting of economical competition concept was obvious in the beginning of nineteens as new universal products and emergence global . as the general direction for the economical market Applying . The goal of research is monitoring the reality relation between Europe and china and predict the image reaction of economical competition between Europe and china and their abilities for countering the essence variables in universal power balancing and the constructional changes in international construction that can find or increase the competition . The achieving research goal done by the help economical theory and political analyzing to cover the mental side so we can avoid any explanation that could not be in harmonic with economical essence theory and chapter one what was specialized from thesis were care with display the mental fundamental of thesis that depended on for subject treatment . the universal economical competition between Europe and china and their reflects Chapter two interested in laying of thoughts the massage were depended on to study the size mutual trading between the group of Europe and china and the understanding the mainly economical to both sides signs as the competitive fields to both sides . second chapter consider as second of importantly loop to introduce chain the majority competition between Europe and china opening the path to study the limited economical bases for economical competition variables to reach the thesis goal and their meaning .chapter three that represented the economical universal competition between Europe and china as products for their economical competition during the getting of previewed research for the Europe group and china and what were loading of financial and trading and economical relation between them even the political gathered to sides but the positive relation holding with their folded some of economical competition relations between Europe and china that included external trading and power and the military agreement and technology and investments . The economic Europe collapse were the result of universal finical crises leading to activated of china role inside Europe markets by the china s investments upon influence the trading balance by withdrawal the Europe markets moreover china became as second l economic in the world reaction of their developed and economical and trading policy leading to the temper of ascending the economical competitive between Europe and china that reflect in result over all the world . Upon the activation the china s role as new greatest leadership in the world by obvious development and their participation to solve the international crises and take in charge of emergence poetical decisions according their interests by the playing role in universal organizations and establishments as represented for security council and united nation moreover getting the distinguished place in international safe specie membership of global trading that qualified to competition the Europe and granting it the power to use the universal economic resources for their interests .